Java keystore cert import on OSX Leopard
This morning I needed to connect IDE (IntelliJ Idea) to a FishEye/Jira server that had a self signed security certificate. Since IntelliJ (or at least the Atlassian plugin) uses Java to connect to https, it fails because of the JVM’s strict security checking.
Normally when this happens, it is just a matter of installing the certificate into the JVM keystore. There is an article and code that does this for you here. This blog post even has a nice bash wrapper that will download and compile this code for you on OSX.
When I tried to do this today, I got this error every time I tried to run this tool: Password verification failed
After a lot of digging on google. I finally found the problem.
On Java for OSX 10.6 u1 and 10.5 u6, Apple changed the default keystore password from ‘changeit’ to ‘changeme’.
Such a trivial change, but annoying because changeit had been the Sun default forever. There is a funny post on the Apple Java mailing list where an engineer at Apple apologized and just sort of said they didn’t think it would be a big deal for anyone.
This post from Matt Fleming, has some more info as well as how to change the keystore password if you decide you don’t like this change:
sudo keytool -storepasswd -new changeit -keystore /Library/Java/Home/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeme