• DNS Upgrades

    I just spent the night updating all of my DNS servers because of the flaw that was released today. I had thought I could put it off for a few more days and have time to prepare, but that can never be the case.

  • Creating an iText pdf with embedded JFreeChart

    Charts are simple to make with JFreeChart and there are tons of examples on the web about how to generate them and save them as .jpg or .gif files. I ran into an issue however, where I needed to embed a chart into a pdf file. My first thoughts were to generate the charts as a .jpg file and embed them, but the pdfs looked a little choppy and didn’t print well.

  • Dean Kamen’s Luke Arm

    Dean Kamen’s Luke Arm If you had any doubt that Dean Kamen and his team were the best engineers out there, check out this video of the Luke Arm. Their earlier demos were pretty neat, but this one really shows off the devices abilities. Hopefully they leave it with that chrome exterior when they release it on the public.

  • how to name files

    This isn’t exactly technology related, but I felt like it was worth getting out.

  • Sun Spots are now Open Source

    sunspot.jpgSun has announced that the Sun Spots are now fully open source. This means that the API as well as the Squawk VM are now fully open. The Squak VM itself is an interesting project. I will be curious to see how it compares against google’s Dalvik VM on small devices (that is whenever google releases or tells us more about Dalvik).